Making The Right Choice And Avoiding Buyers Regret.
In today’s world of retail in Australia it’s become all about price. Every day of the week we head out in our chariot in search of a ‘kill’. We spend hours, days, even months ‘hunting’ for the best deals, the best cheapest price.
Eventually we either give up the hunt, get confused about which item to take home from the hunt or simply through exhaustion, dehydration and lowered blood sugars we end up taking home anything from the last store we go into regardless of quality and price and stagger home with our prize catch that looks nothing like what we set out for when we started out.
Sound Familiar?
Every day we see versions of the above scenario.
When setting out on your ‘hunt’ try to remember why your purchasing in the first place. What features do you want in your product? What benefits are you looking for? Are your looking to relieve pressure on your joints?
Are you looking for better sleep? Is it about the colour and looking pretty? Is it about price or is it about value and finding what you are looking for that will provide you with the benefits and features you’re looking for.
Keep in mind cheap is cheap for a reason and the wrong decision today becomes an expensive mistake when you end up with ‘buyers regret’ and need to replace your purchase because it doesn’t do what you wanted it to do. The joy of a cheap price is long since forgotten as the horror of poor quality kicks in…
Remember why you’re going on your hunting expedition and keep in mind what you set out to catch – quality at a fair price, make sure your decision is value orientated, surround yourself with quality not with cheap and you will save a lot of money in the long term.
At The Back and Neck Bed Shop we’re all about quality and value. We’re all about having what you’re looking for and having the consultants with knowledge and friendly attitude to answer your every question and help you choose the product you want.