The short answer is that they are no hotter to sleep on than any other mattress. In fact, in some cases they are cooler to sleep on than some other mattresses that are made from inferior materials that ‘don’t breathe’
In todays age of ‘false news’ spreading untruths is almost ‘the norm’. I’ll explain. Latex mattresses are expensive for bed shops to purchase – the margins believe it or not aren’t great and Natural Latex is usually a very sought-after material and usually reserved for only the most prestigious, up market models of mattresses. If you have had the pleasure of staying in a 5-star hotel or resort, chances are that amazing mattress you slept on was a latex mattress.
As supply can alter (it’s a natural product, think grapes or fruit) the growing and harvesting can be drastically affected by the climate, droughts and monsoons etc. What’s the point? Well large bed shops can’t be guaranteed supply and there’s more profit in selling cheap to make spring and air mattresses.
Now, back to are Latex mattresses hot? In the past it was true! In the 70’s the latex had a hard, shiny look and feel – like the wall of a car tyre. With modern technology and charges in manufacturing methods the latex now looks like it’s ‘cut across the grain’. Think of a slice of bread. In the past the crust was on the surface where now the appearance is softer, with an open cell structure and a massive surface area which disperses heat and moisture build up. In addition, hundreds of air vents cover the surface of the mattress adding further surface area and even better circulation.
Another key to hot mattresses which is often over looked is the mattress cover. That’s why the traditional latex mattresses at The Back and Neck Bed Shop have low profile, reasonably boring looking covers – its to reduce heat build up and improve air flow. Mattresses with covers that are appealing to look are often highly coloured and shiny – a sure sign that the cover will be synthetic and HOT!
We hope this helps clear up any misinformation and hope to see you sleeping on one of our 100% natural, exceptionally comfortable cool touch Natural Latex mattresses in the very near future.